Monday, March 27, 2023

Fish Emulsion! Good Stuff!


It's amazing what a little fish emulsion in the water can do for your seedlings, even if you're using potting soil with fertilizers in it.  Most of the seedlings doubled in size over the past 3 days.  Good stuff!!  Be sure to dilute to half the usual strength for indoor use.  I'm using a quarter teaspoon in a half gallon of water.

I've thinned the tomato seedlings down to one per pot, and as soon as I see some good true leaves from the peppers and eggplants, I'll thin those as well.  Still no sign of the New Hanover Ground Cherries in the lower left corner, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  They can take a LONG time to germinate.

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June begins... garden tour

 An annotated tour of the garden beds and plantings as of June 4th 2023... The lunchbox mini-peppers, planted in one of my large blue pots, ...